Back to index Sly Park East Area Hike
Trip Date:  03/07/2014

: 12.3 Miles

Vertical Gain: 700'

Group Size: 4
Hike Rating:  Easy   Moderate   Hard   Strenuous
Sly Park East Hike
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Sly Park East Elevation Profile
Three of our group at a bridge near the inlet for Sly Park Lake. Bridge along the hike
Bridge over the water just below the Sly Park Falls.
Down the river from the falls
Sly Park falls gushing on this winter day. Sly Park Waterfall
Our group checking out the waterfalls. Checking out the falls
Myself at the top of the falls about to look for a geocache.
Me at the falls
Another waterfall we passed along the way.
Another Sly Park area falls
Typical view from our hike from near a burned out logging area.
The general look of most of our hike
A couple members of our group showing off their parking skills.
Two members of our group
Peaceful rest stop near the end of the hike.
Peaceful spot near the finish
GPS Track of the full hike.   GPS Track of Hike