Back to index Kanaka Valley Hike
Trip Date:  02/04/2012

: 5.0 Miles

Vertical Gain: 700'

Group Size: 1
Hike Rating:  Easy   Moderate   Hard   Strenuous
Kanaka Valley Hike
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Kanaka Valley Elevation Profile
Start Coordinates:   N 38 44.797, W 121 01.309     End Coordinates:   Same as start coordinates
Car Shuttle Req'd:   No Parking Directions:   Take Green Valley Road to the Deer Valley road turnoff in El Dorado Hills.  Go north on Deer Valley road for a couple of miles until you reach the intersection off to the left of Kanaka Valley Road.  Take Kanaka Valley road for a couple of miles to the parking area on the west side right before a 90 degree bend in the road.
Hazards of Note:   Rattlesnakes, ticks, mountain lions. Crowd Factor:   Negligible.  There are very few people who are in the Kanaka Valley Preserve at any time, especially in the summer.
General Notes:
There are many paths through Kanaka Valley, and the beginning of this one follows mostly along the eastern edge of the preserve.  There was no clear path to get down to the South Fork from this location, but there possibly are animal trails which can get you through the heavy brush easier.  Once the water is reached, there are trails all the way back out to the parking area to complete a circular hike.

Looking up at one of the destination peaks which overlooks Folsom Lake. Looking toward a destination peak
Gnarly old tree near the start of the hike.
Old tree near the start
Logging my visit to the area. Logging my visit
Heading down to the river from my cross-country course. Heading down to the river
At the river for a short lunch stop.
Reaching the water
Looking toward the Lollipop Tree and the start of "The Gorge" from the hike.
Kanaka and Lollipop
Finally finding a very, very small geocache which tried to elude me.
A small geocache
GPS Track of the full hike. GPS Track of Hike